Designed Laminates Door - 04

Designed Laminate Doors

Designed Laminate Doors are made by pressing flat papers and resins that go over the surface of the door. The laminate doors are then enforced by kiln drying and composite solid fillers are tightly fit within. These fillers or blocks of rectangular wood are devoid of interstitial space, so water cannot enter or get stored in them. A combination of 2 laminate patterns or colors can be used on the designed laminate doors and are durable.



Available Sizes

Designed Laminates - 03

DLD 101

Designed Laminates - 02

DLD 102

Designer Laminate - 01

DLD 103

Designed Laminates Door - 04

DLD 104

Designed Laminates Door - 05

DLD 105

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